Ruben's Shoes
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#203 - 2227 St John's Street Port Moody
Port Moody , British Columbia
Canada , V3H 2H6
Ruben's Shoes

At Ruben's Shoes we collect gently used shoes and give them to people in need.

In countries like the Dominican Republic, without shoes kids can't go to school. Millions of children around the world right now are currently not in school simply because they don't have the means, like owning even one pair of shoes.
Imagine if a pair of your shoes could give a child an education? Imagine how that education would change the future for that child?

We give a pair of shoes a second life which gives people in other countries a chance at a new beginning. 

Shoes are our platform and beyond this we invest in projects that deliver education. We believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty.

Give Shoes
Give Education
Give Opportunity
Give Change

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