Vancouver , British Columbia
Canada , V5L 1J5
The Aborigianl Mother Centre Society (AMCS) is a non-profit and charitable organization. AMCS is dedicated to moving women who are at risk or victims of violence, abuse or homelessness and their children at risk, off the streets. AMCS is the only organization in British Columbia to target the specific needs of Aboriginal women, providing transitional housing, support, education, tools and resources which a mother needs to rebuild her health, self esteem, idenitity and resilience, combined with a traditional Indigenous knowledge centred approach. AMCS is dedicated to helping Aboriginal women move forward toward health and self sufficiency as they return to a culturally sensitive environment. The Aboriginal Mother Centre provides services in a culturally appropriate environment to the Aboriginal Women coming from both the local community and from throughout the region. ‘Food Hub’ community kitchen activities provide meals and food knowledge to the people who need it most. As part of ongoing services provided by the AMCS, the ‘Food Hub’ meets the needs of mothers and their children by providing healthy nutritious meals and food knowledge. The participants accessing ‘Food Hub’ services are generally; at risk of or homeless; at risk of or victims of domestic violence or abuse, at risk of engagement with Ministry of Child & Family Development and do not have the resources, skills, or knowledge to cook. Participants often cannot provide meals for themselves or their children as a result of poverty. AMCS offer a Family Wellness Program. The focus is on three main themes: Healthy Living, Parenting Skills, and Traditional Knowledge while integrating each theme into activities.
The Aboriginal Mother Centre Society (AMCS) began in a small facility in 2002 to address the urgent needs of urban Aboriginal women. In 2011, after securing new premises with extensive renovations and reorganization, the Centre reopened its doors to Aboriginal women and children at risk to receive culturally appropriate services. Currently, the new renovated 28,000 square foot center located in the down town eastside community of Vancouver, provides services twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week (including statutory holidays).
The Aboriginal Mother Centre Society (AMCS) provides ‘Transformational Housing’ services. Since September 2012, temporary, safe, short-term shelter has been provided to homeless mothers and their children. Pregnant and young mothers with their children access the sixteen temporary sleeping rooms at the ‘Transformational Housing.’ The short-term Housing has been part of the ‘Under One Roof’ approach providing comprehensive services in conjunction with the ‘Food Hub’ and ‘Early Learning’ services at AMCS. Staff assist mothers in moving out of the Shelter to find permanent housing (often subsidized housing). Mothers and their children stay at the Housing units for a maximum of eighteen months; however, many mothers require shorter services of three months. The shelter is staffed twenty-four hours each day, seven days a week, with trained professional staff.
The AMCS is constantly adding new community donors. AMCS’s dedicated volunteers ensure we continue to offer much needed programs to the community. Community volunteers perform a variety of tasks at the cente.