Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary
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BOX 441, 800-15355 24TH AVE.
SURREY , British Columbia
Canada , V4A2H9




604 828 4560
Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary

Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary is a non-profit organization specializing in providing rescue and safe haven for neglected, abused or unwanted parrots. Our mission is to find loving homes for the birds that come into our care. During the summer of 2016, Greyhaven executed the largest animal rescue in Canadian history by removing 584 parrots from the derelict World Parrot Refuge in Coombs BC. This was done by a small and dedicated group of volunteers with no help from the BC SPCA. Fast forward to 2018, we have just under 100 of these birds remaining in our care while they wait for their new homes. The costs associated with providing care for this many large species parrots continue, vet care, rent for a shelter, staff salaries, food and equipment are regular expenses incurred. Fundraising efforts are always ongoing.

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