
15350 99 Avenue
Surrey British Columbia
Canada , V3R 0R9



Online 50/50 Raffle to Support JH Dry Grad Event

Dry Grad is an after dinner event planned and executed by the volunteer parents of the graduating class to provide a safe, drug and alcohol free environment.Funding of the event is the sole responsibility of PAC - Dry Grad Parent Committee raised through fundraising and donations. The average budget for putting on this event is $25,000.

DRAW DATE: May 01, 2019

DRAW Time: 19:00

Congratulations to this year's Winner! 

Winner of the 50-50 Draw – Toni W (06677)

Tickets may be sold and purchased in British Columbia only. Orders will not be accepted via the internet from anyone outside the Province of British Columbia. Ticket purchasers must be 19 years of age or older. If a winning ticket bears a minor’s name, the prize will be lawfully delivered on behalf of the minor to the minor’s parent, legal guardian or trustee.
Chances are 1 in 7300 (total tickets for sale) to win the 50/50 prize.
BC Gaming Event Licence #112991
Know your limit, play within it
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19+ to play
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