Win a trip to Ireland

Suite 385, 1350 Burrard Street
Vancouver British Columbia
Canada , V6Z 0C2
Vancouver British Columbia
Canada , V6Z 0C2
(604) 725-0749Win a trip to Ireland for two people, including airfare, for a self drive vacation with accommodation, including a stay in a castle! The trip is valued at over $5,000 and is sponsored by Air Canada & Tourism Ireland.
DRAW DATE: Mar 21, 2022
DRAW Time: 10:00
Grand Prize - Trip to Ireland Sponsored by Air Canada and Tourism Ireland - $6,000.00

Tickets may be sold and purchased in British Columbia only. Orders will not be accepted via the internet from anyone outside the Province of British Columbia. Ticket purchasers must be 19 years of age or older. If a winning ticket bears a minor’s name, the prize will be lawfully delivered on behalf of the minor to the minor’s parent, legal guardian or trustee.
Chances are 1 in 1999 (total tickets for sale) to win a grand prize.
BC Gaming Event Licence #132324
Know your limit, play within it
Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111
19+ to play